“Speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine.”

“But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine” Titus 2:1. These words come from a passionate, yet authoritative, man bent on making sure his heart is felt.

“But as for you,” the world we live in is all about pointing fingers, blame shifting, but God doesn’t play those type of games. He says, “look me in the eyes, its just you and ME here, you answer to Me. I see all and your reward will come from ME alone.” So with that said, “Speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine.”

My dear friends, this word has been doing a number on me since we stepped out in this ministry. I’ve come to a place where the very Word of God is like a growing flame in my soul. And where I thought to not speak it, it would simply be put out it has been quite the contrary it -burns hotter still! I absolutely have to say the things He wants me to say. My sin is ever before me but so are the broken lives: Unsaved, empty, fatherless, the hurting, the unloved. I once prayed that I would be aware of the times I am living in, I had no idea what I was asking. I now am painfully aware that time is running out, workers are few, lives are lost and if God were to take us home right now and God forbid my precious grandson were left behind who will “speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine?”

This is why our sights are set like flint on the goal set before us, to “Challenge women to raise the standard on the culture by living out the Word of God (period).”

Strength & Dignity Conference

The first Saturday in October, women from ages High School and up came together for the Strength & Dignity Conference at El Centro First Assembly of God. It was an amazing time of worship, Bible study, and training in “dressing with dignity”. It is our goal to give women the tools necessary to serve God with Strength and Dignity in whatever stage they may be.

Listen to this amazing testimony from Nayeli, who attended this conference: “Apryl!!! I just wanted to share with you great news! My “twin” made the decision to follow Christ today!! The Lord used you and your ministry to encourage her! Praise the Lord!Today was also of great encouragement for me and for my other friend. Thank you so much for being obedient to the Lord’s calling.”

We are so excited about all God has and is doing and we have such a desire to serve. By the grace of God, He has provided all the equipment needed to put on a Strength & Dignity Conference anywhere.

Our heart is serve in areas and ministries that cannot afford to either host or go to a conference weekend. One of those areas that is on our hearts, and they have requested, is the ministry of Peter & Tami Yee in Ensenada, Mexico. Part of their ministry is to a Women’s Rehab facility in town and they would love to be able to bring this message of hope and wholeness to these ladies. However, as you would imagine to do this would require financial resources we just do not have (approximately: $750). However, if you would like to specifically help us take this conference to Ensenada please contact us or make a special financial gift with a note: “Ensenada Conference.”

Bible Studies


Our S&D Conference can really stir up a host of emotions and it has been our heart to always offer an opportunity for ladies to work through some of the issues brought up during the conference. It is for that reason that I Ozzie and I have teamed up to offer a 6-week bible study entitled “Living Victoriously in the Battles of Life” held on Thursday evenings at 3:16 Cafe in Imperial, CA (started October 18).

With that same fervor to speak the Word, I lovingly drove 15 miles to Brawley every Monday morning to join a group of women ready to study the scriptures. Specifically learning sound doctrine, being sharpened, challenged and restored as we studied through the book of Titus. I never imagined what awaited me every Monday morning and after each lesson. From day one, women came together “bearing each others burdens” God definitely did a great work there. One that I can never take the credit for. My dream is to walk arm in arm with women whose very lives say “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” and that is my desire for each of these ladies!

S&D Live


On Tuesdays we host a live radio program on 95.3 FM called, Strength & Dignity LIVE, where we talk about a variety of issues surrounding this current generation. On one particular show we discussed the issue of anxiety and here is what one listener wrote in: “I have a Huge problem with anxiety...among other things! Lol! No...I am serious. Yesterday I was listening to: 'STRENGTH, DIGNITY, LIFE!’ The topic was on anxiety. Scripture reference was: Be anxious for nothing. But in everything through prayer and petition; with thanksgiving; Let my requests be known to God! - Philippians 4:6. And to: "To learn to" Thank Him, (GOD,) FOR EVERYTHING!"

You can bet that I looked up those scriptures, researched them, and did my own little Bible Study!

I am challenging others to do the same! Thank you Lord God for your Word! Thank you, #OzzieandAprylOrtiz, for your radio program, and especially yesterday's topic on anxiety!”

We never imagined how impacting this radio show would be. Heck, it was never something we planned to do, but God continues to do God things and we have the privilege of journeying with Him. If you would like to help sponsor this great work through the radio program you can contact us for more information on sponsorship packet options.

Social Media

We are in the process of getting our social media presence more consistent and engaging. So much of our ministry is on our social media platforms. This is an area we could definitely use prayer in as most of the work is beyond our skill set.

SDL Board Update

We are happy to announce we have confirmed our board for our non-profit and we are working to get ‘er done, woo hoo! Please pray for all the little details as we walk through this process.

As you can see the ministry of Strength Dignity Life is moving forward. We thank the Lord everyday for the privilege to serve and be eyewitnesses of God’s work in the hearts and lives of women.

If this work has blessed you or inspires you to do something for the kingdom we ask that you would consider us in your giving. We are almost completely reliant upon donor support.

Anazao Coffee & Bread

As we mentioned in our last newsletter, we have launched a small business/enterprise with the purpose of supplementing our monthly income and in turn support the ministry. This project has been picking up and been keeping Ozzie busier since the last time we wrote about it especially going into the holiday season. We currently provide bread and/or other baked goods to a few local coffee shops and several individuals. So please pray that God continue to provide more customers and supporters. If you’d like to see a list of bread offerings and or place an order for yourself you can visit our online store: www.anazaocoffeebread.com



December is looking to be an eventful month for us. On behalf of Ozzie and myself we thank all of you who help make this work possible through prayer and your financial gifts. Even though our enterprise has been picking up, it is still not enough to carry us through the month. The business has netted us about $500-$600 since we launched it last month. However, our current living/ministry operating costs are at about $3,000 per month, and we ask that you please consider being a regular monthly financial donor.

We are still currently operating as a ministry of Calvary Kaleo while we work on getting set up as an independent non-profit. If you’d like to give financially please make checks payable to Calvary Kaleo ( 242 Josh Ct. Imperial, CA 92251)

Please notate: “For Strength Dignity Life” on a separate piece of paper and include with your gift. All financial gifts are greatly appreciated as we and the ministry are 100% donor supported.

Strength Dignity Life

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Partner with us by financially giving to the ministry. You can do so by making checks payable & mailing to:

Calvary Kaleo
242 Josh Ct.
Imperial, CA 92251

Please notate:
For Strength Dignity Life
on a separate piece of paper and include with your gift. All financial gifts are greatly appreciated as we and the ministry are 100% donor supported.



God’s work deserves more attention than the measly distractions of the enemy.


Fall is finally here! Another incredible month completed in our journey.