God’s work deserves more attention than the measly distractions of the enemy.


“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”  2 Corinthians 4:7-9

I would say this pretty much sums up the last couple months for SDL specifically for Ozzie & I. From sickness to spiritual warfare our ministry has  endured some very weighty hits. And though I could easily take up this entire email with the details I won’t… God’s work deserves more attention than the measly distractions of the enemy. Needless to say God is still on the throne, women are being set free and God is receiving all the glory! That’s what’s up!

Online Devo

I kicked off the year with a daily “In His Presence”  video devotional through the book of James written by my good friend and author Sean Arviso featured on our Facebook page. This was a bit of a trial run in anticipation of future online series we plan to do. We were very pleased with the feedback and look forward to doing more of this in the future.


Let me just say I never said I wanted to have a radio program but I am so happy I finally said yes after the 4th time! God is using this platform in ways I never imagined. I am embarrassed to say I thought radio was dead. Please don’t throw tomatoes at me! Every week we have people tuning in from all over the WORLD! What?? That’s right! And that is on a regular basis. From the radio waves to listening via the link on our website and Facebook and Instagram Live, the Word of God is being preached and women are being challenged.

Our most popular shows recently have been “All the Single Ladies” with special guest Araceli Godoy of Lake Forest California, “Love Defined” with Bethany (Baird )Beal of Girl Defined ministries out of Texas.

Social Media

Talk about a weighty blow…that’s exactly what happened to us in the area of Social Media and communication. In a very unfortunate gym accident Ozzie’s phone fell out of his pocket just as he dropped a 60 pound dumbbell on the floor and onto his phone. No big deal right? It just so happens that his phone happens to be our “video camera” complete with editing program for our ministry. All that to say we lost all our previous videos we had been archiving for our upcoming Youtube channel and podcast. For this reason our social media has taken a major dive. We learned many lessons as a result of all that, like always back up your files and remember your passwords but in In the words of 2 Corinthians 9 we are… “struck down, but not destroyed.” 

Team SDL & Anazao Coffee & Bread CO.

I am so happy to say we have now have a team of volunteers who have decided to join the SDL Team and it could not have come at a better time. With Ozzie currently working his fanny off filling Coffee and Bread orders (Praise God for that) along with Coffee Consulting for various businesses and churches I found myself working my fanny off with SDL to keep up!

God heard the cries of my heart and supplied the much needed help! We plan to introduce the Team to you over the next few newsletters.

Retreats & Conferences

Tami Yee my good friend and gifted worship Leader joined with me in Teaching and serving the women of Remnant Church of the Imperial Valley. Chains were broken and women were thoroughly equipped to serve their families and their churches. This was such an incredible time, we were overjoyed to hear how the women responded with a desire to serve their churches, hosting bible studies and get involved in discipling others. I cannot even begin to explain the joy it is to know our vision is being carried out.

Leader Retreat

It has been a year since the Lord impressed on my heart to invest in the lives of Women in Ministry. After 20 years of youth ministry and 8 of those years being a youth pastors wife I understand the struggles and the exhaustion that comes with ministry. Many times throughout the years I hoped for rest and encouragement . Even before leaving youth ministry my heart had already been stirred for those in Leadership positions. So it is from that stirring that God has put in my heart to host a Retreat along with Tami Yee exclusively for Women in Ministry. This will take place May 3rd-4th here locally in our area. There are 20 spots available. If you would like more information on this event please go to the contact tab on our website.

Non-Profit Update

All our paperwork has been filed and we are pending approval for our non-profit! Please continue to pray for this process.

As a ministry we understand that we are part of the great work God is doing  to set women free. Some plant others water but it is God who makes the plant grow. We understand that those who financially support this ministry are just as vital as the work we do and we are grateful to co-labor with you in our mission to challenge women to live out God’s word in every area of life. Thank you to all who give financially to support this ministry we are 100% dependent upon your gifts and financial support please consider praying about becoming a monthly supporter and be a part of what God is doing through this ministry.

If you would like to give you can do so by making checks payable to Strength & Dignity Life
170 N. 22nd St.
El Centro CA 92243

Strength Dignity Life


We’re Official!


“Speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine.”