E30: Navigating Parental Boundaries - Joe Garcia

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Our relationships with our parents can be some of the hardest to navigate. Joe Garcia, pastor at Gateway Church in Brawley, discusses this topic and how to practically fulfill the fifth commandment (Exodus 20:12) in honoring our father and mother in a way that honors God.

We know that we were made for relationship because we were made in God’s image. God lives in a perfect relationship. So, what does it look like to love others well by His example? How should the gospel impact our everyday interactions with the people closest to us?

Pastor Joe covers what this looks like as we navigate living at home. He also identifies the difference between setting appropriate boundaries and when we should employ our gift of self-control. He tells us through his own experience, that initiating difficult conversations is tough but it makes things easier in the long run. As we remove “I” centered thinking, we look at how our parent’s perspective could be influencing their actions. And this brings us back to honoring God in the two greatest commandments found in Matthew 22:37-39, to love God and to love others well.

For more information and to virtually attend services, visit Gateway Church at: https://www.gwbrawley.org/  

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E31: Healthy Boundaries Part 1 - Linda Anderson


E29: The Father Effect - Our Redemption Story