E28: The Father Effect: Knowing Who I Am - Domonique Zamora

Domonique Zamora encourages us this episode with gospel truth. Coming from a broken home, she has reversed generational trends and is now raising a family and serving in ministry. Domonique is open about the daily struggles she faces and how she combats thoughts that aren't glorifying to God.

As Domonique grew up and was introduced to the church, she worked through the shame of her past through a gospel that became personal. We have a personal savior, in Christ, who lives in us. She explains how vital it is to realize that we do not fight alone. We have a God who sees exactly who we are and yet, still loves us and calls us by name. Which means we can and are called to stand confidently in mercy.

Domonique shares her struggles, how real they are, and how difficult it is to take our thoughts captive.  As 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 says, it takes conscious effort and intention to “take every thought captive to obey Christ.” But we are called to do this very thing and we can take courage in that we have the appropriate tools to do good work, as the story of Gideon teaches.

For more information and to get connected to the ministry of the Zamora family, please visit: https://zamoraministries.org/


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E29: The Father Effect - Our Redemption Story


E27: The Father Effect: A New Family - Ketzali Sanchez