E35: Women Following the Call: Upward and Forward Growth - Nikita Carter

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Nikita Carter is a full-time musicianary with the band Christafari. Christafari uses their platform to spread the gospel to the masses through music and dance while on tour. In this episode, Nikita shares stories of healing, growth, struggle, faith and the reason all her work is worth it.


Nikita’s stories encompass the importance of community with other godly women. She describes their frustrations and says that “sometimes you have to be quiet and gentle and let God work.” As her trust grew in God, who knows us better than we know ourselves, so her worry lessened. Nikita has seen how God has worked miracles through Christafari’s music. Their music ministers to people all over the world as they work toward telling thousands of people who Jesus is and what he has done.

Tour life is not what it is cracked up to be. But it grew Nikita and the rest of the Christafari family as they dealt with uncertain and varying schedules. They learned lessons in flexibility and through relationships with their fellow bandmates. Nikita shared her life verse, 2 Corinthians 5:7 “We walk by faith and not by sight” and how through it, the bible became more real to her as she was rooted and grounded in it.

We all struggle with sin in our own ways, but the bible encourages us to move forward with the teaching of “The Adulterous Woman.” Jesus encouraged the woman to leave her sin behind, and “Go, now and leave your life of sin.” We can still be used for Jesus if we are ready, willing, and available.

Please, get involved!

Reach out to Nikita and learn about Christafari’s mission. Check out their mission in 2-minutes: 


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You can reach Nikita Carter at:



Instagram: @nikitacarter

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E36: Women Following the Call: The Lion's Den - Leah Yee


E34: Women Following the Call: A Life of Abandon - Kasey Pot